Saturday, 9 April 2011

Leave your questions!

I know my posting hasn't been very frequent recently, and you know what?
There. Is. No. Excuse.
I am going to post so much more often now though, and I have many reviews coming your way.
Anyway, I would love to do another Q&A's video, so please leave your questions down below!
They can be any question, as long as they are not too personal!

Thank you!
P.S I have been thinking about starting a youtube channel. Yet this is still a very early thought.


  1. Hi Liddy! :)
    First of all - thanks for stopping by my blog and following me! I'm returning the favor :)
    I just LOVE your header, it's really pretty!

    And now, for the question, I'd like to ask you what was the worst book you ever read and why did you dislike it? Just curious!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Liddy!
    You have very funky blog!
    Heres my question: What was was favorite book as a child or tween?

    Areej @ Young Book Reader

    PS. I wrote something before but it got deleted.

  4. My questions are:

    What is the most emotionally moving book that you've read?

    Do you ever write stories yourself?

    Which book character you've read about do you think you're most like?

    I'm looking forward to your reviews and the video :)

  5. Would you be more likely to buy a book because of a beautiful cover?
    I know I would! xD

    New follower, thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. Hi Liddy,
    Thanks for stopping by out blog. I can't believe your only 13, your running a fantastic blog. We are now followers and will look forward to discussing books with you. Donna & Jess

    P.S - My favourite book from The Mortal Instruments has to be City of Glass! :)

  7. Hi Liddy! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on IMM. Lovely blog you have here. Looking forward to your future posts. :)

  8. Hey thanks for stopping by my blog! I like yours a lot, it seems like you have a lot of fun, so I'm now following! :)

    I'll look out for your video... :)

  9. Hi HI! Thanks for dropping in my blog and commenting I am glad I could recommend Intrinsical to you, it is a great read, trust me! =D
    If you ever get to read it, let me know!


  10. Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'll ask a question; what about books appeals to you the most?

    Great blog!

    Amanda @


I love to recieve comments and If you drop me a link I will check out your Blog :)