Saturday, 5 March 2011

Hoppy Hoppy Hop!

Follow My Book Blog Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View

This weeks question is...

'What embarrassing thing have you done on cold medicine?' 

Nothing, really. I know. Rubbish answer, but I've never had laughing gas or anything, and I'm pretty sure I haven't gone crazy on Calpol...

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy For Books

This weeks question is...

"Who's your all-time favorite book villain?"

Ohhhhhh! I have so many! Ok, I'm going to try and stick to a fairly short answer...
Voldermort: Because he's VOLDERMORT!

*Potential Spoler Alert!*

Paul - Mercy: You'll have to read it to understand but he's quite dark and misleading.

*Spolier Over!*

Mr Harvey - The Lovely Bones: He's a serial killer, what is more scary than that!? Also, he to is very misleading and secretive and just.. *Shudder*

Have a great weekend everybody! It's my half term, yes!


  1. Voldermort! haha. :D Great answers. I don't think I've done anything embarrassing with medicine. Just gotten a little high because of the dosages the doctors gave me. But nothing embarrassing! :D Awesome post Liddy! <3

  2. Hahaha! Mine was Voldemort, too!

    Have a great weekend! :)

    iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books

  3. Hopping through. Voldemort is definitely a great villain.
    My Hop

  4. Just hopping through, I imagine a lot of people choice Voldemort, he is the ultimate book villain!
    My Hop:

  5. There is that Voldemort again...haven't read one Harry Potter book....ouch...something hit me in the head. :)

    I love this week's question..Stopping by from the Blog Hop.

    Stop by my blog for a book giveaway:


    Chelsey Emmelhainz of HARPER COLLINS is graciously providing FIVE copies for five lucky winners.

  6. I don't think I can say that Voldemort was my "favorite" villain, but I did like the scenes we get of Tom Riddle - how he started out, meeting Dumbledore for the first time and so on. What an interesting backstory he has!

    I still like Snape better though! His story is so tragic.


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